I am kind of fed up with photographers who complain that they don’t have inquiries and industry sucks these days. For you out there that keep complaining, we are in 2016 and VR’s will take over the world and you still complain?
You chose to play the victim, you chose to be the “poor” photographer, when you could have been your own BBC, ITV, VOGUE or MEN’S HEALTH magazine.
Take a second to think about it. Instagram can be your Fitness Magazine if you’re into sport photography. Kardashians became THE Kardashians thanks to social media, and they took the matters into their own hands instead of waiting for someone’s approval. You either hate or love them. The same way works for you, you don’t need someone’s approval, just trust your creative gut, set your social media accounts and the world is your oyster.
Use Snapchat to post “photo of the day”. Use Instagram to build the best photography gallery in the world. Use youtube to post making off videos of how you take photos. And finally,use facebook to combine them all on one page.
Now is the time. Meet new people, make contacts, market yourself, use show reels to show off your skills. Use everything that 21-century offers you and success is imminent. Am I successful? Well, I’ll let you find me on social media and let you decide. If you will take my advice and still struggle, maybe your content is not hot enough, maybe isn’t relevant, regroup review your content make some changes.
But most importantly, keep on working on your craft, take creative risks. As London Real host Brian Rose told me once, from now on you should behave yourself as a media company. You have all the tools.
Ohh and one more thing, If I am to quote Chase Jarvis when I met him, I choose to quote this phrase “You know we can’t be just a photographer nowadays, we have to do everything”. I will take his word for it, I mean it’s Chase Jarvis.
There is a market, there are 7 billion people out there, but can you market yourself? That is the question.