I think the title says it all, yes, it is the fight of the decade. In the red corner we have the Photographer and in the blue corner the iphone. I will walk you through the fight
I agree with you smartphone users, now our phones have it all, most of the time we don’t even need a computer, and the camera of the phone each year gets better and better. But let’s not forget one important fact, there is a reason why the job of a photographer still exists. If it was all about the camera in this job, I will probably rent my equipment to whoever would want it. The truth is the camera does its job, but behind amazing pictures is the skill of the photographer. You can give anyone a brush, canvas and some paint, but they can’t paint like Vincent van Gogh. The same applies to photography.

But there is one thing that a photographer is worse at than a smartphone, and that is speed. I mean come on, in a million years of practice I will never manage to take a picture with my camera, and download it to my social media accounts as fast as you can do it with your phone now days. Just look at the steps:
1. Take the picture
2. Take out the card
3. Switch on my computer
4. Put the card
5. Download
6. Professional retouch
So give a round of applause to the iphone, it was a hard punch for the photographer. But don’t get scared if you support the photographer, because that is the only punch that your phone can give, that is the only advantage that your phone has, the instant connection between you and the internet world. To be honest it is an important one, imagine when you are at a concert and you post instantly the pictures you took of your favourite band, and by the time you get home your phone can’t stop ringing because everyone wants to know everything.
I am using my phone a lot to post instant pictures, I will not deny that, everyone does it, it’s fun in a way, but believe me you will want to hire a professional on those special occasions, because you just can’t rely on the photos taken by your friends, yes I am talking about those drunken blurred, with their finger on the photo

Let’s face it, on your walls are hanging the most treasured of your photos, wedding day, your sweet sixteen, graduation, and I can bet that they were taken by a professional.
So to sum up our fight…I will let you choose the winner.